Tips for Fearful Fliers

Well, Working in the travel industry I have heard some serious cases of people who are afraid to fly … and there is no doubt that the pandemic has increase that fear for many. 

The reality is that at least 1 out of every 6 adults has a fear of flying.  Even though the aviation safety statistics speak for themselves. Stats like…your chances of being involved in an aircraft accident are 1 in 11 million… In a car accident 1 in 5000.  Despite the stats, people still get scared…so I have some tips on how to stay calm when flying…first…

Don’t conceal it. Tell the flight attendant when you board, and the passengers around you. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about… and what you need is support… not to suffer in silence.

Next, treat the turbulence like bumps in the road. Don’t tense up or fight it… let your body sway with the aircraft movements. And know that the aircraft can handle a lot more than turbulence.

Keep distracted. Watch the movie, Read a book, listen to calming music, or do a crossword puzzle. Do anything that keeps your mind occupied and not dwelling on morbid possibilities.

Avoid coffee or other caffeine products… an overly hyper state of mind will only make your anxiety worse. Some people recommend a glass of wine to calm the nerves… just don’t overdo it.

Try wearing a rubber band around your wrist and if you feel yourself becoming agitated, snap it against your skin. Apparently, the pain is a reality bite, and takes the mind off the turbulence.

And, I know this sounds so obvious…but some people forget when they are afraid…you need to keep your breathing steady and deeply…try to avoid holding your breathe.

Also, a great website to visit is  I do understand the fear of flying…but my greater fear is that it will prevent people from seeing the world, visiting family, or enjoying a well deserved holiday.


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